Think About It

I'm not exactly sure what it is that does it to me. Is it the constant feeling that I could have changed something? I could have made a different choice, and took a different path? It runs through my mind constantly. What if I had gone along with things, would life be better? I mean, obviously there is nothing I can do to change what happened yesterday, or three months ago. I can't hop into my car and drive back to Provo, or Logan and tell everyone sorry. It's not realistic. What's really scary is that it isn't even realistic to hop in my car where I am now, and apologize. People, who aren't me, tend to forget things. They remember for a while but then it's gone. I'm not like people. I always remember.

Once, when I was living to find love, I found myself walking a few steps ahead of a handsome boy. We were in a memorial garden and I was chatting away as usual about something with no purpose. I was talking to fill the space above my head. To fill it, so that no one could see my thoughts, especially that handsome boy. I didn't want him to know that all I was thinking was, PLEASE HOLD MY HAND. I wanted him to think I was okay with things as they were. Why is life like that? Why can't we just say what we feel and be who we are? Is that what love is, being able to say how you feel and be who you really, truly, unmistakably are?

Rewinding to months before this night... I was walking down the streets of Logan on a warm summer afternoon. A different handsome boy was walking beside me, with his hand intertwined with mine. He had no clue that I was thinking of ways to let it go gently. I was scared out of my mind, and for every second of happiness there was three more of worry and doubt. I wanted to just stay by his side, and not deal with anyone else and let it be him and I for the rest of forever. BUT I knew that reality would hit once we turn the corner to my front walk. And for that reason alone, I kept walking down different streets and pulling him behind me. I couldn't let it end. I just couldn't.

When I try to focus on the idea of relationships and love. My brain shuts off. It tells me what many wise women have told me, "Stop looking for love." "Let it find you." "You are much too young." I believe these things, but I don't know them. Obviously, if I did I would be writing about how wonderful my husband is. I don't know that those are the things that bring love and romance. That bring that burden of "what will I do to  make myself better, so that I can make my marriage better." I don't know the first thing about marriage, or husbands, or even boyfriends. I know that I have loved people with a piece of my heart that I can never get back. I know that timing is everything and that if you and whoever else can't make it work when, you or that someone else is ready, then it just isn't going to happen. Those are the things I know, and that is about the time my brain shuts off.

Say something. I've always believed that we should say something. I'm not one to keep my mouth closed. I'm not one to keep my mind shut off. That's why I'm writing this. That is why I am trying so hard to convey my feelings, no matter how boring they might be. I am was the type of person that says said too much, and regrets regretted it later. I tell people what is on my mind. I can't help but do it. This is what is on my mind. I'm thinking about love, I'm thinking about friendship, I'm thinking about rekindling fires that have burnt out. I have chosen to think about these things because I want to know more about them. I want to know why these things control such a huge part of us. Why, that no matter how many days pass I still think of all the good that I had with someone, and all the heartache that made it stop.

Tell me what you think about? What do you allow yourself to process during the day?


  1. For me I don't let things process. I have found that even though my "natural man"/natural woman inside wants me to dwell on the past, play the WHAT IF game, etc. nothing good has ever come from dwelling on past lovers or experiences...

    I have made a conscious decision to move forward. (i even made the new years resolution not to facebook stalk ex's.. hahaha! but I am so proud! I have yet to look them up since January!) I have to make little goals like that to keep myself going forward, because if you aren't going forward you're falling backwards.

    I don't know if you made the wrong/right decision in the past, but one of the trials I have found for me in life is controlling what I allow to consume my mind. Whether it be good thoughts, bad thoughts, depressing thoughts, enlightening thoughts, etc. I am in control of my mind. I had an institute teacher that was talking about bad thoughts and he said something like, "What's the difference between you and the Savior?.... When inappropriate or negative thoughts came into his mind (because he was human and that is part of being human) he immediately removed the thought from his mind, being, and memory. Things come into our minds and it is our choice whether to invite them in for a cup of tea or close the door and walk away."

    Sometimes we have to close the door and do our best to keep it closed...

    sorry this was a long comment, but here it is anyway! take it for whatever it might be worth :)

    Keep moving forward

  2. Kaylen is really smart. I agree that there is no point in dwelling in the past. What's done is done, what happened has happened and if we get caught up wondering about the past we can easily miss opportunities in the present. Sometimes its impossible to not wonder, to keep myself from thinking what if, to want something to change so badly. But in the end I just end up picking at scabs that should have already healed.
    " nothing good has ever come from dwelling on past lovers or experiences... "
    I dated a girl about a year ago that I knew almost from the start that it would never become what I wanted it to be, but I knew I couldn't live with wondering what if I never even tried. Not sure that it helped because we dated for awhile and really liked each other, then I just knew that she is exactly what I wanted, that I couldn't have. Schooling, religion and life just doesn't let things happen how you want them to sometimes. When I start thinking about her a lot or see her for awhile I get in a rut and can't move forward. Sometimes the best we can do is just let the past go so that it doesn't pull us backwards


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