Feeling Accomplished

I had the realization today, I will forever be paying bills from this moment forward. Life will be about paying the next bill, and making sure I'm not getting cheated by some internet or power company. Why is it that becoming an adult mostly means paying for stuff? I'm not sure why kids want to grow up so badly, it's not very glamorous. I think that if I had a class in high school solely dedicated to real world finances and what it took to buy a house, I would have become a doctor or something. Just so that I could afford to live life! I still probably wouldn't have though, I'm not too into all the bleeding and sick stuff.

Back to reality, I was actually so productive today! I used my one hour lunch to call the power, water, and gas companies and get all my utilities set up for December 5th! I din't have to put a deposit down for a single one of them, so that was a relief. Let's pray the closing date actually comes to fruition. Five is my lucky number, so I think we have a good chance.

I also started looking into internet companies and honestly, there is so much to think about and so much information, that it is overwhelming. I put a hand out to my people on Facebook and they were helpful, but didn't really make the decision easier. I need to get better at making decisions and just going with it. I think that is what this whole buying a house thing is going to teach me more than anything, just decide, be dedicated and go with the flow.

Outside of home buying I had a successful day at good old CrossFit today as well. We did the benchmark work out "Barbra" and I modified it to the MAX, probably a little too much. The good thing about it was that I set a goal to have my round five of the workout be faster than my round one, and it was! I was incredibly impressed with myself. I'm also about a half an inch away from being able to do toes to bar from the ground, instead of being assisted by a box, so that is another great accomplishment. If only I could get a pull up! That's all I want for Christmas... well, and a $100k so I can pay for life for a little while.

This weekend should be a good one though, I'm going to spend time with Janaye and Alix and do some crafting on Friday. We've got Stake Baptisms in the morning, tile shopping in the afternoon, then a Christmas themed girls spend-the-night with Kenzie and Haddie. I decided that since I won't be rolling in any dough besides cookie dough this Christmas season, I would get my babes a sleepover with me filled with Christmas fun! Hopefully they have a good time.

What's one thing you've accomplished today?

The Grand Canyon <3


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