Live Now

One of the hardest things for me to do is commit to something and stay consistent. I find that true with seventy five percent of the rest of the world as well. When there is someone to commit for, I'm much better at it. I've tried to do things for myself, but it never sticks. 

I just want to be consistently consistent.

I e noticed my level of happiness drops significantly when I focus too much of my time on social media. I let myself get sucked into it anyway. I am much happier when I set those things aside and focus on the moment. President Monson gave a talk that spoke about living now. He reminded us to glance at the past, plan for the future, and live for the moment. (Or something very similar to that). 

Living in the moment is not always easy. It is hard work to be engaged in the here and now. In this moment, we must accomplish who we want to be. Every moment counts.

Long term. I think the trick to being consistent is to live in the moment, with good intentions and great happiness.  


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