30 Days - Decision Journey - Love Yourself

I did it! I actually accomplished an awesome challenge. Thirty days ago, I decided to take a "selfie" everyday for 30 days straight to see how much I have grown and changed in that time. Although these pictures aren't in order from day one to day thirty, I still think it is cool to see what types of days I've had in the past month. I did this challenge because I was going through a hard time, and I knew that it was going to be a growing process. Documenting this growing process really meant a lot to me. It helped me see each day, that there was something to learn and some way to grow. There were a lot of sad days, and a lot of good days too. 

For some people it is really easy to love themselves. It is easy for them to pick themselves back up and just keep moving, because they know they are worth it. For other people, it is not so easy. I would say I range in between the two. I don't have clinical depression or anything, but sometimes for me, it's really hard to be ALIVE, and I mean that in the sense that it's hard to be PRESENT in life, to actually live life the way it is meant to be lived. I think that if there is one thing in this world that we should take advantage of, it is our own lives. We are the directors of our paths, and we decide what we do and what we don't do. Admitting to ourselves that it is difficult is the first step in a long process of great successes and miserable failures. I don't pretend to be an expert on the subject of loving yourself or making good decisions, and I think that's what makes this a perfect job for me.

That job is to share with others what life is like, what treasures lay hidden, just beneath the surface. Because I TOO am doing it, and not doing it. I'm super grateful for the small and quiet audience that follows my blog. I am so happy when I talk to people I barely know, and they say, I read your blog! Or when I get a random email from someone who tells me that something I said, helped them. I HELPED SOMEONE! It's a great feeling. My next project is going to be a good one, and I hope you stay along for the ride. Don't be afraid to leave comments or share my blog with someone you know. That's what this is all about, life is a DREAM, it's a MIRACLE, and it is our privilege to live it.


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