
I think that the problem is, sometimes I'm so scared. I'm afraid that even if I tried, didn't procrastinate it, and even made a more solid effort, it wouldn't be enough. I'm not quite sure what it is I'm afraid of.

The world is full of so many mixed signals, a lot of judgement, and an entire ocean filled with criticism. I'm not good with criticism. I tend to tear, just at the crease of my eyes, the tears spill onto my face and the heat turns my cheeks red.

I desire to be so much more. To put my words into phrases and lines with comas and periods. And even a fancy exclamation mark or two. I want to be a writer, a designer of thought, a wizard of whimsy. Someone who can take you somewhere you've never felt before.

I've been watching a lot of the show, "Call the Midwife" and let me tell you... it was weird at first. I made fun of it, I told my sister she was crazy. Then, I watched it on my own. And to be honest, it's beautiful. Upon watching one episode there was this girl and she said, "You have to be brave to be in love, don't you?" A few episodes later another good one came up, "Some call it confidence, others call it faith... but if it makes us brave, what else matters?"

No matter your opinion on religion, a higher being or karma, there is something to be said about being brave. It takes a lot of heart. It takes confidence, faith, and charisma. I'm not full of it, my faith is pretty shaky, my confidence weens low and I'm not incredibly charismatic. Yet, what I do have, has me trying to achieve my dreams. Trying to see that I too, can be brave. I can be... whoever it is I may want to be.

And nothing else really matters.


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