i-Phone Update Numero Tres

 I can't even. I just. I die. Every-single-time. This is hilarious.
 Don't mind my super scary face here. This is just Janaye and I, on New Years Eve. We went to this crazy dance party in some guys garage. There were probably 200 + people there. It was awesome, and weird all at the same time. There were a lot of people I knew there, and it was like a high school reunion. Which really freaks me out for some reason.
 This is horrible but priceless.
 My Mom had to go in for some major surgery recently and I took this picture before they wheeled her back. She is healing and doing much better now. Hopefully by the time I leave on my mission she will be in tip-top shape. I love her with all I've got and just want her recovery to be super fast, but patience is a virtue, so eventually she will start to feel 100%.
 Janaye sent this picture to me. I knew there was a reason why we are best friends. I laugh every time I see this. So cute, so funny.
 I took this picture the other day from a blog I was reading. I thought it was super funny but the people I sent it to didn't respond. I still think it's funny. hahaha furring all deh pants at ones. hahaha
Oh and who could forget, my little guy Carter started preschool! Hello old!? He is getting so big, and so smart. He is the cutest kid ever, and he loves school which is good. Hopefully he can carry his excitement about it through-out life. He got to use glue, and scissors! He was extra excited about that. 


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