These Are My Confessions Part II

I do believe it is time for another anonymous confession booth.

I couldn't find any good quotes or inspiration to share with you on this one. But I do hope you still take a moment, and get things off your chest.

Confess something funny, sad, angry, anything you want! Just make sure to click anonymous when you do!


Click Here to check out the confessions from last time!


  1. Dating is hard. I do not know what I want. Period.

  2. My greatest fear is that I won't be able to have children. When my real fear should be that I won't find someone to love me.

  3. I am scared to give my whole heart again. I am in love and don't want to ruin it.....but i fear the hurt again.

  4. I would have made an awesome guy. Driven, caring, ambitious, thoughtful; Always willing to take a risk and be brave with my heart. Instead, I'm a girl, who constantly gets told that I work too hard at relationships, and should let people come to me. But I don't know how to not be serious about relationships and not try with all my might. And I hate that its unacceptable for me to do so. I hate that my effort causes people to change their minds, when all I'm trying to do is give us a chance. If I were a man this issue would never come up.

  5. Sometimes I dress up like Shirley Temple and spank myself with a hockey stick

  6. I know this girl who is awesome. She is very pretty, smart, and way fun to be with. I don't know why she puts every guy into the "friend zone" so quick. Let your heart breathe a little. If they don't like you back, move onto the next one. Have Fun! That is all.

  7. Sometimes I pray that I'm infertile so we won't have any unwanted pregnancies. I'm scared that when the time comes for us to start a family, my prayers will have been answered.


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