Final Straw

Here's the thing. The thing that I don't get, and really don't see how people can do this. Let's just start off with, the blogging world and the world in general, is full of trends. We follow the ideas of others, sometimes we do exactly what they do because it works, we like it, and we want to have that same thing. Everyone does it, even the trendsetters themselves. The blogging world is full of fashion blogs, photogs, inspirational posts, and crafts. Therefore it is no secret that along side the best of the best there are amatuers, beginners, and people who are just following the trend. These people, these beautiful, hardworking, creative, and inspired people DO NOT deserve to be made fun of or drug down.

Lately, I have seen so many people make fun of these types of "scenes". Ex. "Oh let me go grab my SLR camera and take crappy pictures of myself, to put on my blog!" I've actually heard someone say this. I was angered then immediatley saddened by their comment. How could someone put down and make fun of someone who is just doing what they like to do? How? I don't care if they are the most outrageous Beiber fan, have twilight tattooed on their butt and take pictures of every meal they eat. Leave them alone. If you think it's crazy, stupid, or annoying... stop reading their blog, stalking their facebook, and being their friend. Because honestly, they don't deserve a friend like you. Harsh? Yep.

If you know me, you know I'm not a Harry Potter fan. I don't care for it, but that doesn't mean I go around talking down the people who love it. I don't want to be a hater.

Anyways, the whole point of this post was to say, STOP MAKING FUN OF PEOPLE! I need to work on it too, but I have noticed it getting way out of control lately. It makes me so mad and sad that others put down people just for being themselves (even if by being themselves they are being the same as someone else) we were all given our own agency to live and do as we see fit. We deal with the consequences of our actions, creativity, and life, individually. So stop making fun of people and just worry about yourself.



  1. This isn't about me. I could care less. It's not even about one person in general. It's about people who just decide to make fun of others that they don't know, or do, and not think twice.

  2. i love this post to death. it is totally and completely true. people always make fun of people for being "followers" when everyone gets their styles or thougths from another place. there is not one person who is completely and individual and doesnt do or think the same way as another person.

  3. I despise the rudeness and relentless criticism that comes out of some people. For no other reason than to try and make themselves feel better. It's disgusting and I will certainly never understand it.

  4. It is sad
    But its also free speech, and as hurtful as some of those comments may be I would rather people say 1000 bad things about something I've created than to have that taken away ,even on the internet


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