8 Week Challenge

I'm excited to start this new blog challenge. I am a new follower of the blog Sometimes Sweet who is doing an 8 Week challenge to become a better person. Each Sunday she will post three new goals for the week, and achieve the goals during the week. I think it is a great idea, so I am following along. Its kind of hard to make big and lofty goals, then keep them. I believe that it is much easier to make goals that you KNOW you can do, and that don't stress you out. Last week I talked about goals I wanted to achieve for the year, and I am going to try and incorporate them through the next 8 weeks. I'm super excited about this, and I hope you are too!

This week's topic is BLOGGING.

Don't you just love blogging? Its the best. I started blogging because, I really liked the community. I started reading Busy Bee Lauren's blog, and I loved the person she was. I have always loved writing, and this was a great outlet. People started to read my blog, and I made more friends. That is when I started to love it. Now, I have a bunch of friends in real-life who read my blog, and our friendship has a deeper connection because of it. Blogging is one of my most favorite hobbies. There are a lot of things I want to improve about blogging, but here are some of my goals for the week.

Three Goals I have about BLOGGING:

1. I want to do a day once a week that is a creative writing day.
2. I want to invest myself into networking with other bloggers, by setting aside some time to comment on other blogs.
3. I would love to find a blog "identity".


  1. What a great idea, and I love your blogging goals. Blogging really is amazing!

  2. I fully support all these blogging goals. Good for you! And yup- blogging is the bee's knees!


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