Why Did You Do It?

In an effort to sustain my interest for blogging, I went out in search of a writing prompt today. I had to find something that made me think, and that would be interesting for others to read. I thought this prompt was clever, and I automatically came up with twenty different ideas. Okay, maybe not twenty.

Why did you do it?

When I first cut my hair into a pixie cut, it was a long but quick process. It began with the hot heat of summer in Logan. It was so much more humid there and my hair insisted on sticking to my neck, like static. It bothered me. Then, I got a coupon for 20% off a cut from a blogging-friend who did hair in Provo. I made the appointment. The three weeks that led up to the hair cut where nerve racking weeks of intense anxiety, debate, and questions. Would boys still want to date me? Would I look like a lesbian? (Not saying there is anything wrong with that, just saying.) Would I cry? I was sure I would cry. I didn't end up crying when it happened, I ended up with a smile on my face for a two hour drive back home to Logan, so happy with my decision. The crying started that night, I cried myself to sleep. What had I just done? Why did I do it? In the end, I realized the real reason behind cutting my hair shorter and shorter; because I wanted to love myself no matter what my hair looked like. However drastic it might have been, I broke the bands of thought that clasped around the traditional idea of long hair = beauty. It did not equal beauty, the only thing that made that equation true was what was on the inside of me, that is what really mattered.

Why did you do it?

I went to school this semester because I wanted to see if I really didn't like it. I went to school because, it was better then facing my heart. You see, I had many options other than going to school. The reason behind going was more of a feeling that it was right. I felt that, if I went back to school and tried really hard I could find a passion and roll with it. Maybe that is naive. It feels naive. Especially now when things aren't good with school and I am even more unhappy then I was before. My mom told me I am being too dramatic about school, and that I shouldn't hate it so much. She is right, and I try really hard not to hate it, but I really can't help it. So in the end, why did I do it? I really have no idea why, yet.

Why did you do it?

I had never heard of a blog before, until my older sister Jordan told me about it. She was working all day at my parent's trucking company sitting in front of a computer screen, and came across Lauren's blog. Immeditely she texted me telling me to look at it. It was hilarious, cute, and very inspirational. I loved it, and I continued to read. I read all of her posts from the beginning, which wasn't long before (this was almost three years ago) and I was hooked. I decided to start a blog of my own to document my own adventures. From there, it escalated. I was blogging everyday, and getting more comments too. Oh how I loved me some comments! My blogging style has definetly changed since then. I'm not near as funny as I used to be, and I've grown older and matured a little. Along with my blog growing older, it...as well as I,  have experienced some growing pains. I'm filtering my thoughts now, more than ever, and it is becoming a hassle. Sure, fewer people read my blog now, but that decline didn't filter out the thorns. Maybe this is just something all bloggers go through, and this is just my time. One can dream.

Now it's up to you to answer: Why did you do it? Whatever IT might be.


  1. I love this. And your hair. And that I too started blogging after reading lauren's blog.

  2. I really really like this entry. I think I started reading your blog around the time you cut your hair and I was in awe of you and your confidence and your true beauty. It is true, I hide behind my hair because I sort of think I'm ugly and my hair distracts from it.

    I like this idea. When I get back from traveling I may do a "why I did it" post too.

    <3 you!


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