Anything You Can Do...

Last night I was talking with two of my favorite girls, Kayla and Mikayla. We started talk about running, and my half marathon and it threw me into a tangent about life and dreams. There are so many things that I want to do with my life, so many. In order to make these things more of a reality I've decided to blog about them.

The following are things that I feel are realistic, and that I would be able to do THIS YEAR in my life. It is a lot but, life is long. (Despite popular belief.) I'm working at all of these things, and would love your input on them!

- I want to learn to play the piano so that I can play hymns at church. When I was younger I played the piano, I played for eight years. However, I did not play the music I wanted to play. I really just want to play hymns, and some other types of music. My goal this year is to play the piano in sacrament meeting as a musical number.

- I want to get back into Physique 57 and do it for an entire month, three days a week.

- I want to help someone train to run a race.

- When school finishes, I am going to take family history classes online with BYU Independent Study. Then, starting in June I am going to start teaching my family history class in church again. Hopefully, more people will come, and I will really be able to help people learn to love family history.

- I want to get 4 generations back on both sides of my family history.

- I want to take multiple institute classes so that I can get closer to graduating institute. (Institute: religious classes for young adults.)

- I want to audition for a play. Where is somewhere I can look to get into that? I was really into theater my sophomore year of high school. (I quit piano for it, and then quit piano for track, and then quit track for student council. I'm a quitter.)

- I want to write a short story. Something that is interesting, moving, and full of good thoughts.

- For a month this year, on my day off, I want to volunteer somewhere.

- I want to go on a date at least once a month. If that means I have to ask the guy on the date, I will do that. Whatever it takes!

- I am already doing this, and I am really excited for it. I am going to be the photographer at my sisters friends wedding. I will be taking the pictures at her reception, and then editing some of them. I am so excited!

So, those are my goals and dreams for the rest of the year. There are a ton of other things that I want to do, like go camping, hike the narrows, try to wake board, run another half marathon, and find a job I love. However, these are the things that I have been putting off that I do not want to put off anymore!

What is something that you want to do this year,(you have eight more months!!) that you believe is realistic, and that you know you can do?


  1. pretty awesome goals. I would hardly call you a quitter haha. Maybe if you quit piano to stay home and watch tv, or play video games or something, thats quitting. You're a switcher, not a quitter. Sounds like you should get into exercise science or something or go to school to be a physical trainer and help people with running. Take something you love and make a career out of it. I'm sure not all parts of the schooling would be your favorite but in the end might be something you would really enjoy. Just a thought for you, I have some friends that had that major. Good luck on all your goals!

  2. Love this. No, I'm sorry. I LOVE THIS. Proper font height is important.

  3. I totally love your list! Get it, girl! You can do whatever you want whenever you want. That's the best part about being a grown up. ;)

  4. you look so pretty and summery in this photo!


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