Hola! Como Estas?

It is not a lie that I just ate my weight in Jelly Beans. Okay, maybe not that many jelly beans, but I did have a whole entire bag. I really like starburst jelly beans. YUHM.

It is also not a lie that my Sociology teacher ended the class a half hour early because all of a sudden he looked like a dogs tongue in August. He was super redish/pink and really sweaty. Gross, but true.

It is not a lie that I am blogging in my History 102 class. Don't worry, the professor hasn't started speaking... yet.


Today marks my first day of legit training. I am really excited to get my email from Alex explaining everything, and I already have a notebook filled with questions. I'm going to go run 3 miles after this class, and it's beautiful outside. I couldn't be more excited. No really, I couldn't be.

I had a horrible dream last night that my friend Janaye stopped talking to me. It's happened before when we were younger, but having a dream about it happening now.. ugh it was horrible. I'm going to go hang out with Alix and Janaye tonight. I'm pretty excited. Alix has been busy with work and school and wedding stuff so I'm sure she is stoked to have a night to chill. I'm excited to see her, I've been really busy too and have been kind of distant. SORRY I'M A SUCKY FRIEND BEEZY.

Anyways. Class is starting. So peace the freak out!


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