Forts & Running

On Sunday afternoon my nephew Carter came over to my house. He is really cute, and very smart for a 3 year old. I love him a lot! Anyways, I decided that he needed to experience building a fort. So, I built a fort for him and we hung out underneath it all day. It was great, for the most part. My neck hurt really bad afterwards, but it was worth it. I love to see my little boy happy. We played slap-jack, colored with pencils, played cars, and fought monsters. We even ate dinner under our fort! That was an adventure to say the least. The first fort we made (the above fort is the second fort) my dog Auzzie jumped on top of. I think that she thought it was a continuation to the couch, when in reality it wasn't. It was an epic fail, and totally scared Carter and I.

 Pencil mustache.
For those of you questioning my abilities, I had to take pictures to prove, that indeed I do run. It is my new crack. I mean, what? I was never addicted to crack, well... okay never mind. It is awesome and I love it. On Saturday I went to this store here in Vegas called Fleet Feet and got fitted for a pair of awesome running shoes. I recently got the new Nike Free shoes, but they are too light for a half-marathon. So I got the Brooks Adrenaline GTS shoes. They are really nice, and I ran for the first time in them on Monday. I went 4 Miles about 50% of the time uphill.

I follow this girl Janae and her blog The Hungry Runner Girl. She is really awesome, and I e-mailed her asking about some running strategies. She e-mailed me right back and was so nice! She is running the Boston Marathon! Totally legit. I want to be her. Except, I'm not. Anyways, she just got a running coach and I got his information from her. I'm having my first consultation phone call tomorrow morning and I am super stoked! I hope it all pans out well, because I think I would really benefit from having a running coach. His name is Alex and he lives in Utah, the training will be e-mail based, and I am really excited. If you couldn't tell.

This last picture is my new, super awesome pose. I know I'm not the best runner, but I want to keep myself pumped. So that is why I am using the number 1! I am number 1 and I am awesome! I love my life, and I can't believe that I am so lucky to be able to run, and have a fantastic life!!!


  1. You are number 1 and I love you the most! Keep up the good work you are amazing!

  2. Aww, your nephew is adorable! And you built a fort with him? He must think you're the best aunty ever :)

  3. YOU ARE NUMBER ONE!!! Girl, you are so so beautiful and you are the best runner and now with a coach you will be even more amazing. It really is so motivating to have some one to account to and have for encouragement and motivation. I am so excited for you. Thank you for the sweet things you said, you made my day!! K, so we are in vegas about every other month....can we PLEASE meet up and go get ice cream or go running or something. CARTER is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I am basically obsessed with you and I am so happy you are going to use Alex!!!

  4. I have a pic of me JUST like that from running day one :)


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