Dear Treadmill, We are fighting.

So tonight I ran on the treadmill. The treadmill and I are not friends. We never have been. The treadmill, makes me hate running. I don't like to hate running, because I love running. But tonight, it proved again that it cannot be trusted. Just like a kid in a candy store. Seriously.

I freaking.... ahhhh. Hate is such and awful word. But yes.

Okay, so I run on the treadmill and it tells me, this really fast pace I'm going.. is a 15:00 minute mile pace. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? My phone is telling me I'm pushing 10 minutes (which is fast for me, I'm at an 11:30 mile right now) I'm freaking out. I slow down, and by the time my phone stops and says I'm finished the treadmill says I have a mile left to go. WHAT THE WHAT???!

Not only that, but my right leg started to hurt, then my toes on my left food started to cramp and now my back hurts. WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!!?! OH TREADMILL!

Then, I go inside. I drop everything I'm holding, and everything I touch falls down from where its at or off the counter. My folded laundry falls out of my arms and wrinkles on the spot, and a meteor flies down and burns my house down.

Okay. Maybe not that dramatic, but it was ridiculous. I have come to the conclusion that bad runs make everything else bad. I feel like shiz, and its because of the treadmill, and my attitude. But we are going to blame it on the first thing. OKAY? Okay.


  1. Treadmill running is so hard! I find it goes best when I either have some great tunes, or some big thoughts... anything to distract me from the monotony.


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