Bad Things

You know what's not fun?

Making fun of people. Being rude. Saying mean things behind people's backs because they are different. Judging people by their looks, wether they be finely dressed or in their mothers jeans from the 80's. Telling stories about your friends when they aren't there, that would make them sad you are telling. Walking past someone who is crying, and not helping. Not opening the door for someone who is running through the wind as fast as they can. Never offering to help with anything. People who are different being called crazy because they have individuality, and they show it. Saying bad words. Using the Lord's name in vain. Not saying thank you to someone who helps you. Being unwilling to sacrifice your time because you feel like you are the most important, and everyone else is second to nothing. Wishing people out of your life. Yelling at children. Spanking children. Not doing your dishes and leaving them in the sink. Leaving garbage on the street when you are about to pass a trash can. Not stopping to help someone who is broken down on the side of the road. Flipping someone off. Calling someone and telling them all the reasons you hate them. Telling them to their face. Being ungrateful. Not praying. Taking advantage of someone. Not giving back change when you got too much. Never leaving a tip at a restaurant. Making yourself upset and angry because someone is upset and angry with you, when you should just brush it off and do your best. Not giving second chances. Cutting someone off while driving. Not using your blinker when you turn. Lying. Stealing. Cheating. Jumping to conclusions. Opening someone else's mail. Reading someone's diary. Not giving credit where credit is due. Blackmail. Hitting someone. Never complimenting anyone. Not smiling. Not laughing. Leaving something worse off then when you found it. Threatening someone.

This things are not fun. We all do most of them. I think it's time we stopped. I dare you to copy and paste this list into a word document, or your blog. Then as this week goes by cross off the ones you didn't do. Then see where you stand.

Double dog dare.

I'll do it too.


  1. Love this. I do the calling people crazy one. Alot. Guilty. Just what I needed this morning. You're amazing.

  2. Did this all happen to you this week? You seem pretty upset, I can kinda tell because usually your grammar is immaculate however this has a few know what. I don't want to make a bad day worse. So I will just say you are a great person. I'm sure you will bless a lot of people's lives by keeping all this in mind this coming week.


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