
Sometimes, I just need to make a list of my random thoughts and lesson's I've learned. Just so maybe, they will be engraved in my memory enough for me to remember them.

- I have never had such a hard time staying awake in class, as I do in my History 102 class. It's scary, really.

- You are the only person that can make you angry, upset, annoyed, or rude. People are contributing factors, but you can choose to not let their actions affect you. Stop saying something is someone else's fault, it's not their fault that you can't control yourself. (This is directed toward myself, harsh... I know.)

- Sometimes when I wear skirts, no matter how long they are, I feel like people can see my butt. It's really awkward and I don't like it very much.

- When people start their sentence with, "Let's say that God really does exsist..." I get really sad.

- I can't help but laugh when someone walks past me and gives me the "head nod" or the "raised eyebrow" look. It is just so funny.

- I need to stop taking God for granted.

- No one knows me the way I wish they did.

- If time where a color it would be purple.

- I'm addicted to Veronica Mars, and it's ruining my studying, and social life. CRAP.

- I can't stop eating out for lunch after school. I just never feel like eating what I brought with me. It never sounds as good as it did the night before when I put it in my backpack.

- I get more and more annoyed by people who don't capitalize the beginning of their sentences while blogging. I know it's not graded work or anything, and I'm sure I put too many comas and such... but really?? Capitalize your letters!!! PLEASE!

- Without fail, every night I answer the phones and work cashier, there is at least one rude over-the-phone customer. WITHOUT FAIL.

- I'm a pathetic excuse for a runner. This is true!

- I want to watch Funny Girl, The Way We Were, and What's Up Doc. Did I ever tell you Barbara Streisand is my favorite actress? Well, she is.

What are 3 Things that you would write on your list of random stuff?? Tell me all about it in the comment section! :)


  1. Three random things:

    Last night I told Kevin, "public dumping is so exhilarating, everyone should try it sometime!" And then he laughed and laughed because it sounded like I was talking about poop. Nope, I was talking about ditching all your cardboard boxes and styrofoam in a public dumpster. Sigh.

    Last night we locked out keys inside our new house and our landlord met us in 13 degree weather to let us in, at 11:00 at night.

    Annnnd third, I love you and hope you have a fabulous day! If anyone calls and is mean to you, just be super nice to them. I like to do that - it makes me feel like the bigger person (although I SO am not) and it earns you brownie points in Heaven. And lets face it. Brownies are delicious!


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