30 for 13

Basically, the 30 for 30 challenge just made me so angry. I am the kind of person who changes her outfits almost 3 times daily. I couldn't really do that with this, because I only had 30 things to wear. I feel like I have style and I can remix the things in my closet without shopping for 30 days. Heck, I've gone MONTHS without shopping. This is true. So, I just wanted to show you the last outfits of the challenge. In day 12 and 13 I am wearing things that weren't on my list. Because I was going crazy. I also felt like the clothes that I could wear, were getting out-washed. I have a really hairy dog, and it's hard to just roll off the hair, so I need to wash my clothes constantly. I think this is a great challenge, it's just not for me. Oh well! At least ya'll had a sample of my every-day style! I think that part is pretty cool!

P.S. Day 11 is missing on purpose. I hated my outfit that day, and I looked like JUNK. Just sayin'.


  1. I could not last on this challenge! My mood is so unpredictable about clothes it would be hard to pick 30 things! I'm impressed (:

  2. *Impressed your outfits don't all look the same. I think mine would if I narrowed down my list of what I could wear. Good for you for admitting defeat though hehe


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