Nineteen & Twenty

Day 19- Someone you miss.

My dear, dear Janey Lou. I miss her so very much everyday. She was my roommate when I lived in Logan. I miss going to taco tuesday with her at Cafe Rio. I miss going to first dam and feeding the ducks, or jumping in at the dead of night. I miss randomly up and leaving Logan to go and spend a couple of days exploring in Salt Lake. I will never forget the summer I had with one of my greatest friends, Jane.

Day 20- I place you would like to travel some day.

Russia. When I was a junior in high school, I took a Comparative Government class that was amazing. We learned about the governments in other countries, compared to ours. To be honest, I remember little from the class besides the lesson on secret agents. I really think Russia has some pretty buildings, and art. I would love to go there.


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