Old Photos & Memories

If you yourself read, Busy Bee Lauren, then you yourself, have been challenged to do what I am about to do. Bring up some old pictures out of your archives and talk about the memories and feelings involved in each. I am kind of really excited for this, and I have a lot of pictures so enjoy. :D

This picture is of me, and my friend Parker. If I remember correctly, that night I wanted to look crazy so I didn't match at all. It was me, Parker, Wesley, Taylor and Stevan all packed in Wesley's room (when it was upstairs). We we are all just sitting around talking about life, and I had just gotten a new camera so the boys were taking pictures with it. Yes, I am about to punch Parker, and yes I realize I look dumb, but I love this picture either way.

This picture was taken two weeks after graduation on the Church History Tour. We are at the Sesquhannah river were the priesthood was restored. This is my long-time friend, Blair. I have known Blair since second grade. I remember taking this picture and thinking, man, look how far we have come! Now Blair is serving his mission for our church in New York. 

This picture is probably my very favorite picture ever. Although, my smile looks forced, it is not, it's just sunny. This is me and my friend Alix. Alix, is just the best person ever. BOTTOM LINE. We didn't know each other very well, but we decided to be roommates and that was a very good idea. We both grew leaps and bounds spiritually these two weeks and I thank her for that. We are in the wheat fields at Adam-Ondi-Ahman, where we will gather again at the last days.

This picture is of me, and my boyfriend at the time, Mitchell. This was probably one of the coolest birthdays I have ever had. I just turned 18 and we were at in and out with 20 of my closest friends. We played sardines in the park, and we were about to go bowling after 10 so that I could show them my I.D. Mitchell is great! I miss him, he is on his mission in Peru right now. I think during this picture I was mainly thinking how lucky I am, and that I hope Mitch was smiling and not being silly, because I always get nervous taking pictures with boys.

This picture illustrates my deep un-ending love for my little nephew Carter. I love him more then anything I can think of. I'm pretty sure that I am tearing up right now. We took this picture at my cabin over memorial day weekend after I had moved to Logan. I didn't go home the entire summer and I only saw Carter twice. This was the first time that summer. Currently, I can't wait for my sister Jordan to have her little baby boy so my love for my little nephews can grow bigger and deeper. 

This is me and some of my friends from Logan. We had just gotten done cliff jumping at porcupine dam and were headed home. This was the part of the summer when Jane was gone in DC and I was left alone, hanging out and working at sizzler. I really loved this day, it was really great. I remember that the girl next to me's car got a flat tire and every car on the back road we were on stopped to help or see if we needed anything. Bottom line it was a great day.

Now, for this picture I was a senior in high school. It was the day of the pep-rally, and other things. This is Kayla with me in this picture, we were best friends in high school and were never apart. We decorated the boys football locker room with streamers and were taking a picture in front of our friend Tyler's locker to tell him that it stunk in there. I just wanted to say, in case she reads this... that I am sorry for the way I acted a couple of years ago after we went to Logan with Lori. I'm not sure what it was, maybe it was because I was heartbroken, and everyone else was finding their way. Maybe I was jealous of her relationship with Lori. Maybe, I just couldn't do it anymore. Either way, I handled it wrong, and I pushed her away for no good reason. Sorry doesn't cut it, and apologizing over this blog probably wont make it better. Inside though, I am truly and deeply sorry. I wish I still had her and Lori as my friends, but I put those things aside on my own, for reasons I didn't understand, and still don't.

Thanks Busy Bee Lauren for doing this picture memory thing, it really made me think about my life and my past and the things that I have done. It was a great idea!


  1. Shelby i love that picture of you and Mitch it makes me miss him so much !

  2. Awww... your photo of you and Parker makes me miss him even more :(

    your photos are adorable, and your memories even better!

  3. Loved these. And you look fabulous with that short, dark bob! I really admire you posting that apology, as well. I don't know you or her, and I could tell that it's heartfelt. I hope she reads it :)

  4. hahahaha the wheat feilds bahahaha i remember when we ran through them and made it like 2 feet cuz it was so painful lol

  5. My little boy is going to be in love with his aunt Shelby! You are a cute girl keep up the good work.


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