Frustration Lies With The Male Gender

Ever since Frank it has been hit and miss. I start with this because, well, it's true. Truth is something you can't get past, it's like a 400 pound lady in front of you on an escalator. You can't just jump over her. Boys are the bane of my existence. They are just so foolish. Take for example Boy #1. Boy #1 after Franklin, was a nice boy with tons of po-tential, if you know what I mean. Currently, he is married. You see how this goes. #2-Engaged (no, not to me) #3- Happily in a relationship #4 I'm not even sure why I kissed him. #5 He is my friend, who I never see and last but not least #6 Who does that even?? As you can see, I am beyond frustrated. Within all of these numbers lies a secret... I did not DATE or have a full on RELATIONSHIP with any of these boys, but.. we did kiss, except for Boy #1 that's just a long story. Do I sound like a lip-slut? Well, call me the names that give you enjoyment, but I was really thinking more would come of these things.

Was I naive??? NOOOOOOO.... because I went to high school, I broke people's hearts, and I got mine broken too. No big. The frustration lies in the fact that, even though I was good enough to kiss, I wasn't good enough to keep around. Who does that even?? I am asking a simple question that I want answered IMMEDIATELY. Please and thank you.

So because of all these mix-ups I have been on one date this year. Count that, ONE. With a great guy, who was kind enough to feel bad for me and take me on a date. Really though, I told him I hadn't been on a date all year, and he said.. "How about Tuesday" I am thankful for him, but I'm still frustrated. What I don't understand is that I can have 20 million, ZILLION, guy friends and not a single one of them will consider me. Maybe I am too much of "one-of-the-guys" or something, but there is no way that I am not ANYONES type. How would they even know? You don't KNOOOOOWWW me. You don't UNDERSTAAAANDDD where I come from. How dare you judge me based on our simple friendship and not give me a chance. I am not ugly. I am NOT. I am confident, I hold my head high, and I flirt. ENDLESSLY. Okay, maybe not endlessly, but I like saying endlessly, so I used that word. I flirt when I want to. If I'm interested I will try and flirt with you.

Right at this very moment, there is this boy, who for some reason, I just want him to want me. (Cheap Trick, you slay me!) I do. Wanna know why? Because I want to get to knooooww him, and not by being his buddy. Yes, I make dumb moves and leave without hugging him goodbye or not looking him in the eye when I say goodbye or hello. I understand what I need to fix, I just don't know that if I fix it, it will help.

Dating is the most ridiculous thing in the world. How do girls do it? Because, I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only girls I know, not going on dates. You spend all this time being someone that you likes "friend" just to get ignored, shot down, or heart broken. I'm not saying that true love isn't out there for everyone, it is. I'm just saying that, I don't know how to get it. I don't even know how to get practice. Who am I?!


  1. You are not the only one not dating. I can promise you that.

  2. You are a beautiful, loving, confident, whole, important and LOVED person. At the end of the day Someone will always love you and His name is The-Big-Man-Upstairs. That's the most important thing. "A women's heart should be so hidden in God, that a man should have to seek Him first to find her". Maya Angelou said that and I love her for it. Don't focus on dating anyone. Focus on building friendships and developing your love and relationship with God. Because that is THE most important thing.
    Trust me, as soon as you stop looking and stop stressing about it, some guy will fall right in to your lap. And at that point it will be such a surprise that you won't even know how to react. But you will. And you will react perfectly.

  3. I just gotta say all through high school.. and a year after.. I went on 0 dates. I kissed a couple guys, but none of them wanted anything else. Then in late 2009 I met someone who I've been dating for over a year.

    I had to wait for-freakin- EVER.. but it happened. I know you'll find the right guy, it just doesn't always happen on our time. (Frustrating..I know)

  4. Since you didn't introduce yourself at Five Guys I can't say I know you in real life, BUT I did read that you are nineteen years old. If that is true I'd say you are too young for true love anyway. Those boys who aren't asking you out are doing you a favor. A FAVOR.

    (Hope to meet you next time!)


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