Going By Fast

It's already Wednesday? Where on earth is this week going? Honestly. Well, this week has been off to an interesting start. On Sunday I went to game night at a guy in my ward's house and it was awesome. I had never been before, but it was just as fun as I was expecting, which is a LOT of fun. On Monday I worked until 9 but when I got off I went to this guy in my ward's birthday party. It was a blast, there were two bands there. Look them up on Myspace - Nick Day and Roller-coaster for Henry. Then of course there was dancing! Oh how I love to dance!!
That same night I got asked on a date and yesterday night, went on it! It was a great time, we just had dinner and sat and talked. It was great conversation about everything but nothing at all, all at once. I loved it. Really.
Now, today, it's wednesday and I work all night but after work I have no plans, and I am in need of changing that. I need to get out! Especially because I have a new roommate. Let's just say she is almost 8 months pregnant, forgets that she asks me questions three hundred times, and is very very chatty. It is interesting to say the least. I will keep you updated on that, hopefully there won't be a baby born in my house by mid-July that could be a bit weird.
This weekend there is a possibility that my greatest friend, Jane, may come and stay with me. Just for Saturday night and Sunday. I am hoping that she does, because I miss her so! I am speaking in church on Sunday, which reminds me.. I should write that talk...
Oh, and a special message to Lindsay, my internet twin. I love you, and I haven't met you. You give me the best advice I have ever had. I am sure that if I get married anytime soon, I will FLY you out here for the wedding. Love you, no lie.


  1. that would suck so bad if a baby was born in your living room. seriously, hard core haha

  2. Um. ew. No babies born in the living room...that would just be bad manners. I mean c'mon baby...have a little more respect.

    I am SO glad you had a fabulous date with a total hottie. Yum!

  3. You just made my day!!! I love you back ever so much, and some day we will meet and it will be pure bliss and joy and twin-love at first sight! And if you get married soon, i'd be more than happy to drive. it's not that faaaaar :)
    loveloveLOVE you!
    thank you for making my day a million times better. :)

  4. ps, if you have to deliver this chick's baby, you have to DEMAND that it be named after you.


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