The Sunday Paper II

Welcome to the second part of the Sunday paper! I am so very excited to mention all of the great people who have had their ads here for the past few weeks. There are however, a couple of people who don't have their ads up that I will mention during the month. So here is another week of awesomeness!

Alright, now if you aren't on twitter you probably don't even know who this girl is, but you need to. Miss Jacki Chace, from Thrill of the Chace. She is the coolest high school kid I know, and that is no lie. Jacki is gorgeous, awesome, and freaking hilarious. What you really need to do this Sunday is go over to her blog, and comment. She doesn't post too often so the goal here is to comment and tell her to post! She also dances, and I'm pretty sure it is her favorite thing to do ever, she is AMAZING at it too! You can also go and watch her vlogs on her youtube channel! So fun!


Next is, Cassidy Whillhite Massage Therapy. Cassidy is my friend from Vegas and she is a great girl. She has her own Massage Therapy business and if you are in need of a massage, and you living in Vegas go to her. She is very professional, and is very good at what she does! Here is a list of what she offers.
30, 50 or 90 minute sessions.
-Deep Tissue
-Injury Massage
-Cranial Sacral Therapy
-Trigger Point Therapy
-Sports Massage


Last, but not least.. Take a look at Alex Vaughn's blog. Alex takes great pictures, and she is a neat girl. I knew her in high school, and I know for a fact that you will all enjoy her pictures, and her blog. She is a riot! I think she is the coolest girl. Her pictures are ultra original and she has such a different, yet fantastic view of the world. So please go take a look at her stuff!


Thanks for reading this Sunday's paper! You can be in next Sunday's post just by emailing me at Shelbyloudelong{at}gmail{dot}com. Have a fantastic week!


  1. Love the new blog layout! And I'm looking for someone to design a header/brand image for If anyone can draw a cartoon of me with a part of me cut off (like my arm, with blood dripping, or something like this) please let me know!

  2. Whoa...Jacki is in high school?! I thought she was older. Oh well. She is awesome! :)

    I like that you do this for people. You are so sweet.
    (by the way, I'm workin on your button. It should be done in a few days).


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