Little Tid-Bits

Sometimes in life you just have those days that are so good. YESTERDAY was one of those days. I got next-to-nothing done, but I was sooo happy. I mean, what girl isn't happy to hang out with cool people, eat a ton of chocolate, and then get to sit and talk about life with someone?THAT is a good day in my eyes. I realized a couple of things about myself lately, and I'm going to try and jot them down. I keep forgetting the interesting ones, and I feel dumb, but that is ok.

Right now, if I were to get married.. I would have my song with my husband be: Baby I Love Your Way by UB40. That isn't a lie either, listen here.

When I go shopping by myself I try on 20 million different things, then dance in front of the mirror with them on. Knowing full well I will probably not buy any of them, or I will only buy one thing. I just think it's fun. The best place to go for this is FOREVER 21 they have the best in-store music.

Often times, I sing when I'm walking in the parking lot. Often times, I don't stop singing if there are people around. Because, why would I?? I mean, if they wanted me to, they could tell me to stop... but usually they don't, because they want to tell their friends about the crazy girl in the parking lot. Now, who doesn't want to be the basis of random people's stories? HUH?

Tattoos. Now, I wouldn't get one.. and I don't encourage others to get them. BUT some of them are pretty freaking neat. Like the photographers that I love, He & She. Oh my gosh, their tattoos are pretty awesome. Visit their website here, and see their tattoos here.
P.S. Alex, I am a proud mama that you decided not to get your tattoo. Although, you know if you DID I would support you with it. Right? Luh You.

Whenever I wear my glasses instead of my contacts and I walk inside from being outside in the cold. My glasses fog, and I feel really dumb. That's why, most of the time, I don't wear glasses. Because I feel like a goober.

The first thing I notice when I meet new people is their left ring finger. I look straight to it. I'm not sure why, because I could care less if they are married or not. I do this in movies too. All the characters, I look to see if they are married. There was a movie we were watching a while back, I forget the name, and the married character wasn't wearing a ring and i was like FUHTHEWAH!? It was so frustrating.

I can't go to sleep if I have to go to the bathroom. Not even if I only have to go a little. I have to be on empty to sleep. TMI? I don't think so.

I hear stories of this all the time. I've only had it happen to me once or twice. Guys talking while you are making out. Saying weird things like, you're so beautiful, or I love your body. Seriously? Stop. That is so awkward and silly, and weird, and I want to puke in the hood of my jacket just thinking of that. SDFjkflwjf1p! I seriously, I just got the creeps.

I love watching T.V. I would pick watching T.V. over reading a book any day. It might sound bad, but it's for truth. I love Food Network, Disney, HGTV, TLC, and every other channel you can imagine. Commercials are good too, I love myself a fun commercial. For example, this one the other day. It's the ETRADE commercials, with the baby that talks like a grown man.. and he is talking to this guy who is trying to win the lottery, and he says.

"The chances of you winning that, are like the chances of you getting attacked by a polar bear, and a regular bear, in the same day."
You can watch the video here.

Excuse me while I pee my pants. BAHAHA

The end.


  1. I do all of these things too. You're 100% legit. True story.

  2. first of all i luh your face. second, im the same way about peeing before bed. third i busted up when you talked about the making out thing because a. i knew who you were talking about and b. well its just funny. and third this post was awesome, and i love your nerd glasses. things to do: get ash nerd glasses

  3. oh ma goodness! You are hilar! It is so fun to read your posts. Keep it real. Love, Peace and Chicken Grease.

  4. This post made me lol for real!

    You are hilarious m'dear!

    Girl, legit! I do know that you would luh me even if I had another tattoo! True story!

    Fuhthewah...Um my new favorite saying!

    I too always look at ring fingers...even though I don't care if they are married or not. Odd.

    Um I love your face! Bad!

  5. Um. I basically love this post.. and your header.. and your glasses.. and YOU! :D And I know- Baby I Love Your Way is AHMAZING! :D So cute.

    PS- I have to pee, too, before I go to bed. No matter whether I really need to go or not.. I just HAVE to get anything out... TMI! :D

  6. you're the awesome. for reals.

    those are some of the coolest tattoos i've ever seen. i love tattoos. the cool ones, not the ugly ones with no originality.

    i hate foggy glasses. but i love wearing my glasses. dilemma.

    i heart TLC. currently, say yes to the dress.

    also, i HAVE to pee before i can sleep. have to.

  7. I love this random list of facts.

    So win.

    I also love Disney channel but often feel silly watching it alone in my apartment -- I mean I'm almost 24!

    x, ash


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