Loopy Doopy

I didn't actually die. Sorry if I scared anyone, I thought it would be funny. I went to the dentist today, the worst place in the world in my book, and got my temporary crown put on. I have two teeth that are going to be crowns and I go in again in two weeks for my permanent tooth to be glued on. I just have to say, that I am loopier then a crack-head on Valeum or however you spell that. The doctor prescribed some for me so that I would be calm before I got there, and I am still really drowsy. I just hope that this temporary tooth doesn't pop off or anything. All I've had to eat today is two milkshakes and a relive smoothie and I really am craving a fatty huge steak. Or just a burger from Wendy's. Which brings me to my whole going Vegetarian thing. I've decided to push it down to eating meat once or twice a week. I think that is fair enough, plus it will give me a chance to figure out different kinds of foods I enjoy. So if anyone has any meat-free recipes send them my way! It would be greatly appreciated.

I have watched quite a lot of TV today and have realized something, reality shows ruin lives. Really they do. I am a big fan of TLC and I love to watch all the shows that they have, except for 48-Hours Hard Evidence, I think that show is crap. I used to love watching Jon & Kate Plus 8, until they got remarried and the whole thing went down hill. I watched Kate's Story a couple of nights back and even though she stands by how the show was a good thing for a while, and that it has helped their family a lot. I think there is a little part of her that wishes she had never done it. Either way, she said that her and Jon would have probably ended up separated in the end. I just feel so bad for their family and the heartache they are going through, especially all those little kids, who really don't know any better. Then there are shows like Little People Big World, where their smallest mistakes and their deteriorating marriage are publicized for the whole world to see. It was really interesting to see inside the life of people who are born little and who have to struggle through that daily. There are only two shows that have yet to go down hill, I think mostly because of their honesty and because of what they allow the cameras to see, and how they make sure there is a big enough time away from the cameras for them to live normally. Table for Twelve and 18- scratch that... 19 Kids and Counting. I don't watch the first show very often but the Duggards are awesome, and they try their hardest to raise their children right. I think, even though some of their ideals are extreme ( courtship, her having "as many children as the good lord gives her") those kids are going to be gems. Serious, GEMS.

I don't know much, but I do know that there is some major crazy-ness in the reality TV life and I'm glad that I'm not a part of it. But you better believe that if I saw any of those people in real life I'd be askin' for pictures. Who wouldn't?


  1. Um I pretty much love all those shows. Table for 12 is pretty funny the mom and dad tease each other and make me laugh. You are right about the Duggards their kids will be Gems.

  2. I feel bad for jon and kate. I heard where they said they did get therapy but it didn't work. It's just sad.

    The Duggard's have double the kids they have and they are the sweetist family.


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