Fruit At The Bottom, Waiting to Be Stirred

Let me tell you something, you looking at that picture above all these words is a miracle. I personally hate it when people post pictures from the internet on their blogs (not that I hate your blog) I just think it's kind of sort of tacky. It is really bugging me that I am doing this, but I decided to try something new. ANYWAYS to explain the yogurt. That yummy yummy yogurt. AH side tracked again. OK, So I was sitting here at work thinking, man... my brain hurts so bad.

That's when I came up with this great analogy. Mainly it was because I was thinking how I wanted to stick a spoon in my ear and stir my brain up and see if that would fix it. Why you ask?? Because it fixes yogurt. You know what I am talking about, when you have that weird film on top of your yogurt, it's still good but it's just a tad bit runny. (This also happens with sour cream.) You have to stir it up, THEN eat it.

Well, I feel like yogurt. That needs to be stirred up to enjoy. (Bah that sounds dirty!!! hahaha) Do you understand though? I need to get excited about stuff, so that I can achieve more. Do you ever feel that way??

Tonight D and I are going to bake, or something like that. I'm not sure exactly what we are making.. maybe toffee maybe chocolate swirl pumpkin gingerbread (made by the famous...Rookie-Cookie). I'm not sure, but I do know that I am excited. So maybe tonight will be good. Just maybe!

P.S. Can you guess what movie the title of this post is from? It's a really funny movie! haha


  1. I have no idea what movie you are talking about. But I hope you guys had fun tonight. Thanks for the invite. Sorry about not bringing the jamba today maybe next week.


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