The Dog Lady

As I sit on the big couch with both of my dogs watching "The Nanny", next to D & C I have a sneak peek at my life. I remember at one point when I used to lay on a couch with my boy while my friends sat alone and I feel for them. I've become the dog lady, giving my kisses to my pups and cuddling up to my little shedding doggies. I don't whine about it when we are together because really, whining doesn't get you anywhere. I love these two people, D & C are my best friends. They are great to me, and we all have so much fun together!
Yet again I'm here. Taking care of the dogs.
Love, Love, Love.

One day, it will be my turn.

So, for fun, for me, I would love for you to all tell me a story about love. Whether it be about loving an animal or a family member. Or even your very favorite scarf & skirt. Let me in on your secret loves, or your obvious ones.

Ready, Set... GO!!


  1. It could be worse you could be the cat lady. Think about that! Now that is super scary.

  2. Oh I totally feel for you!!! I'm always just chillin while all my friends have snuggle fests!!!
    Me and love....
    I love the concept of being myself!
    I'm so much happier when I'm happy with me!


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