Picking on Procrastination

I've got a bone to pick with this rude little visitor named Procrastination. He is a menus to society and I believe that he should be hanged at the next town meeting! Seriously. As of late I have been doing a good job of putting things off. Telling myself that I can do them later, and that really, what is more important then Gilmore Girls? I need to stop. (Don't get me wrong, I love Gilmore Girls) I haven't done the whole ,watching TV for hours on end thing, in 8 months or so. The last time I did, I was in a major tiff and I didn't even tie my shoes for a month (because I didn't wear ones with ties, haha) It is a horrible disease and I want to be rid of it!

So, today I took myself out of my house and headed for the library. I opened up my online campus navigator and started from US History all the way down to English. I have been sitting in this library for almost 4 hours and have gotten so much done today, it is unreal. I still have A TON to do but now that the smaller things are out of the way it will be so much easier to get my big projects done. I also packed up all the seasons of G.G.'s and they are headed back to my sister Jordan's house. Who cares if I only had one season left to go, they are GONE! Which means there is more time for me to do homework, practice the piano, go running, hang out with people, meet a fabulous man, and take long walks in pretty parks. Doesn't the list of things I will be doing sound better then the list of things I have been doing? I think it does. Tonight calls for a celebration.. who is up for dinner out and a huge serving of ice cream?!!!


So long procrastination, you are ugly and have bad taste in clothes. So there!


  1. I spent all day in the Library yesterday and it was amazing! Isn't it so great not to feel stressed out?!

  2. Haha - you are awesome. I hate procrastinating too - because when you have stuff to do but are putting it off it hangs over you like a big gilla monster! And then - your relaxation is ruined by a badly dressed hairy lizard.


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