I woke up late. That is where it all started. My mind woke me up when a nonstop buzzing started that I couldn't escape. I forgot that today was the day that I needed to take my baby cousins to school. I literally woke up on the wrong side of the bed, I never get out on the right side, I always get out on the left. After driving quickly to the nearest gas station and spending a fortune on a tank full of sicknast fluids, I drove through yet another obstacle of construction and bumps and rocks and I felt bad for Aimee the whole time (my car). Once I pulled up to my house and parked, my purse fell out of my car, along with all of it's contents. I walked inside and pulled up my school on my computer to start three of my classes. I don't have one of my books and I need that book for an assignment due this week. I had a paper due on Thursday but ended up finishing it today and I still have six chapters of reading to do. What was I thinking? I wasn't.

On top of this entire time I was fumbling and tripping and dropping things left and right. The last straw on the camels back broke when an entire dish from the dishwasher full of water spilled all over me. I had just gotten fully dressed and I was soaked in water. That is when I decided it was better that I didn't leave house.

There are many things that made today horrible other then the things that I said, but I'm not able to put them out here for everyone to read. Some examples are... boys, money, banking, job, and friendships. My idea of a private blog is looking pretty good right now. That way I can select and pick and choose who will read those very precious memo's from my life.


  1. OH goodness my friend!! You need a great day tomorrow to make up for your terrible one today!

    best of luck

  2. Oh you poor things!!!
    Sounds like a day from HELL!!!!


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