Big Steps. Small Shoes?

As many of you know, because mainly my family, and long time blogging friends read this blog, I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. If you are new, check out more about it here. Indeed, I do have a strong and continually growing testimony of the church, and Christ's love for me. I have been thinking a lot lately about different things that I have always thought of casually, until lately.
Las Vegas Temple sepia

Entering the temple is a big step in anyone's life. It is a truly humbling experience (from what I understand) and it is a big commitment. I don't understand much about it, but I am going to learn more. So, maybe by that, you got what I was hinting at. That I want to take out my endowments (go through the temple). I have heard that girls are encouraged to wait until they are going to be married, or until they are preparing themselves to serve a mission. Maybe, that is what I am suppose to do, is wait. I just can't help but wonder, or try. The blessings of the temple in my life NOW are amazing, I can't imagine how the world would spiritually expand. I could be thinking about this and thinking "the wrong way" but how will I know if I don't talk to someone about it. So for now, I am talking about it. I haven't made a decision to do anything, but I would really like to seriously talk about it.

(sorry if this is really confusing)

This is a big step. Are my shoes too small?


  1. i think its great that your looking forard to going through the temple and you don't want to wait for marriage or a mission to do so. I think its better to wait tho. i think if you don't you'll look back and realize you should have waited to go through with your husband or in preperation for a mission. Also i don't know if you'd be able to. Prestons brother isn't going on a mission but he asked if he could go through the temple and his bishop said no. He's 21. so because your only 19 they might not let you. Good luck i hope this helped a bit.

  2. You always have the best post titles!!!

  3. hey shelby- i just thought your post was so great so i had to respond. i think it's so awesome that you are thinking about this big step. it is a big step but don't worry, it's not as weird as people make you think. it is amazing. as for waiting- i waited until i was 27 and gettin gmarried because that is what was right for me. it was awesome to have my future husband there and be a part of that but i don't think you should feel like you have to wait for that to happen. you need to really think about it and only receive your endowment when you are ready. it will mean so much more to you if you do whether it is now or down the road. =)


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