Heaven Needed an Angel

I don't mean to burden you with sad news, but when sad news comes it comes. It is never normally wanted. Sometimes it is needed, to humble and make strong. This sad news is more of a heartache and loss type of thing. My cousin Cole passed away today in an accident. He was a great man, young, in his twenties. He wasn't a member of the church, then again most of my family are not members. I loved him very much, and that showed in the tearful goodbye I gave to his ascending spirit. I love my entire family very much. I just wanted to post a couple of quotes and a talk from the February 2007 Ensign to show you my thoughts on this. I know Cole will be happy in heaven. I hope to see him again someday along with the rest of my family. For eternity.

" Heaven must have needed another angel."- My Father, today as I walked in the door.

“All of us have to deal with death at one time or another, but to have in one’s heart a solid conviction concerning the reality of eternal life is to bring a sense of peace in an hour of tragedy that can come from no other source under the heavens” (Plano, Texas, regional conference, 17 Mar. 1996).

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16

Reaching out to Those Who Mourn from the February 2007 Ensign.

With love, and the greatest hope of happiness.
Shelby Lou


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. death is hard, gospel or not, especially when a person is taken in their prime. One saying that always makes me feel better, is, "only the good die young".

  2. I am sorry for you and your family's loss. I am so grateful for the knowledge of life after death. May Heavenly Father and comfort be with you and your family through this.

  3. shelby...youre probably tired of hearing about the "sorry"'s but i just wanted to let you know if you need anything DONT HESITATE TO ASK! you did the best thing - seeking after the words of our apostles who are there to help us through tough times & gives us counsel

  4. I am really sorry about your loss. One of my favotite quotes is

    "Love puts the fun in together,
    The sad in apart,
    The hope in tomorrow,
    The joy in the heart."
    - Anonymous

    I wish you the best.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. 11 years ago my lil sister died, so it makes me sad to think of others hurting. :( (((HUGS)))

  6. It's so difficult when stuff like this happens...hang in there. Let me know if you or anyone else needs anything.


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