Short Post

My computer at home isn't working, the internet connection is down? How does that happen???

I have no idea. In the mean time...

I have no money. Paying for the house for the summer and paying for the house for the fall by July 1st is going to be a major feat.
** clarification** august sept, april may rent due july 1st equaling out to 650 dollas.
I have 32 dollars that I can use, for food, gas, and going out. Someone come up with some really good activities that cost nothing.

Boys kill me.

Especially older boys. JEEZ

I can't afford stationary.

Remember when I was optimistic? I still am, it just isn't with me today. I feel like crying till my eyes pop out.


  1. you have to pay for it all up front?


    It will all work out!

  2. I'm sorry girl!!!
    It'll all work out...somehow....

  3. no crying..its not allowed...and why do older guys suck? did something happen? or in general?!?!
    you could go chalking..that's free...or hiking or biking or play tag or walk the strip or have a backwards day..dress backwards..walk a whole date backwards..or bake something with things you already have at home and see what you can make..i'm outta ideas..sorry they kinda suck but i tried

  4. dont cry your eyes out! i will get you some stationary!

  5. deary....the money thing will SOMEHOW work out. its amazing how it always seems to. a few weeks ago i was FREAKING out about money. and then it worked out and i am living. pinch pennies, save, do what you can. but it will work out. especially if you pay your tithing. i PROMISE. dont cry. :)

  6. We can cry together. Stress suck and I think my eyes already DID pop out from crying.

    Go shoot a gun. You'll feel better.


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