Work that Body!

So today, I made an investment.

I bought a YMCA gym pass.

3 months worth of work out have been paid for.

So I have some awesome goals for myself and I thought I might record them so I will be more determined to complete my awesome goals. So here are my awesome goals to be completed by the end of February...

1. Be able to run ONE mile in 9 minutes.
2. Finish a 5K loop on the treadmill in less then 40 minutes.
3. To be able to do 30 crunches a day for a week with 40 pounds.

Basically what I want to be able to do really is....

1. Run a 5k in 25-30 minutes
2. Get at least a 2 pack (or just an awesome flat stomach)
3. Be able to work out my arms more so I can do push ups without wanting to faint.

Those are my awesome goals tell me what what you think about them and if I should have any more.


  1. I think they sound totally doable!

  2. do you like the YMCA? Jeremy and I were going to get passes but every time we would go to check it out the gym was packed! Like there wasn't even enough machines.

  3. hilarious... Im dying.

    babe, I have a 2 pack and you've seen my out of shape bod.

    Im training for a half marathon in april. train with me! :)


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