
Recently.... Actually since about the beginning of senior year I have a tendency of not looking people directly in their face when they are talking to me. I am listening completely and I talk back and make short bits of eye contact when I talk with them. It's just that at some moments in my life I feel like people I am talking with aren't actually talking with me, they are talking AT me.
Tonight... I was on the other end of this scenerio, like many nights before in my life, well since Matthew and Cody told me I sucked at telling stories and that they hated it when I told stories because it took to long for me to explain them. That is when I realized, people don't like to talk with me, or listen to me. They like to talk AT me, and hope that some good advice or response comes out of me. Take tonight for example, I go to Danielle's I love Danielle, she always listens to my stories, tonight she was the only one. HEY not to mention all the people there were like 16 going on 12. So I was like wow, not even teenagers, who I used to hang out with momentairly will hang out with me. I started to tell a story and it was like this...
ME: So have you heard that talk from President Hinckley where he laughs really hard.
Group: no I haven't
ME: Well he tells this story
Group: SIDE CONVERSATIONS AUTOMATICALLY. So, after that... I stopped talking and everyone around me had a grand old time.
Does this sound familiar??? Think back a few posts... yeah I have typed this same scenierio before! AWESOME!
This has happenend to me without fail everytime I hang out with ANYONE. I feel so great, and awesome. Ok I lied.. it hasn't happened when I hang out with ALIX. Because well, she always listens to me even if my stories are dumb, she's like your dumb, or she says thats a funny story but don't tell it to anyone else ok?! THANKS BEST FRIEND! :D
I know alot of the time I put myself in that situation, because I don't want to go "spinning cookies" or run around in the snow in my skeevies.( not saying that lori and kayla and ashely are dumb for doing it, it's just that I didn't want to.. I know it sounds fun, but I guess I'm just not who I used to be, I love you girls tho. really I do. more power to ya) I just want to chill, I just want to talk and not about how this girl is just not my type of friend or this boy is so hawt. I want to talk about... IDK Nie Nie's blog, the fact that music is the best thing ever, a good book, TWILIGHT, what classes I want to take, what our homes will be like when we are married. I guess I want mom talk. I guess that's what I want. Yeah I like to do stupid stuff sometimes... but I think I am heading out of that stage. I want to grow up so I don't have to be rejected anymore, or worry about not sitting at the cool table. I really thought those days were over.

By the way, I didn't have to say goodbye to my friend "who shall remain nameless" it worked its self out. so that was a major PLUS. I blogged like 8 million times lately.. I should probably take a break, but I wont. Happy trails everyone!


  1. do not take a break from blogging because I love reading your blogs..srsly i get on like 5 or 6 times a day to see if you've posted anything..becaue i think your stories are hilarious and i love hearing them..dude..btw..monday..we're hanging have about 2394870 errands to run..but we're still hanging out

  2. Yo I don't think your a bad story teller, because I think that we tell stories alike. It takes us forever to get the little story out, but I think it is worth it. One day you will find a guy that likes your silly stories that make no sense at all and that happened in 5 min but took you 15 to explain. Ross loves my stories, and you will find someone that loves yours too.

  3. Don't take a break! I love you blog. And I love you!

  4. Ok so I am bored in class and knew you blog I'm catching up on your life ;) anyway, I feel like I know exactly how you feel. People used to get mad at me for taking forever to explain something. (Ok they still do) but its ok. Just keep blogging them or telling them to alix. (That's what best friends are for!) Anyway, its ok. You have a few people to tell and that's all that matters. Something I'm FINALLY learning, knowing, and accepting is that its the quality of friends you have, not quantity. Now I'm rambling (see....haha) anyway I also know how you feel about wanting to have grown up talk or whatever. Its ok. Find new friends, even if they are older, married, moms, whatever. have good talks with them. And save the times you wanna play and be stupid (cuz you'll still have those days) for your old friends. You're changing in a different way and at a different rate than you're old friends, and that's OKAY. Don't worry. Anyway. Remember when I said I take forever to say something? Point and case. Lol. I don't even remember what my original thought was. Oh well. Email me or whatever if you wanna talk ever :)

  5. Ok so I am bored in class and knew you blog I'm catching up on your life ;) anyway, I feel like I know exactly how you feel. People used to get mad at me for taking forever to explain something. (Ok they still do) but its ok. Just keep blogging them or telling them to alix. (That's what best friends are for!) Anyway, its ok. You have a few people to tell and that's all that matters. Something I'm FINALLY learning, knowing, and accepting is that its the quality of friends you have, not quantity. Now I'm rambling (see....haha) anyway I also know how you feel about wanting to have grown up talk or whatever. Its ok. Find new friends, even if they are older, married, moms, whatever. have good talks with them. And save the times you wanna play and be stupid (cuz you'll still have those days) for your old friends. You're changing in a different way and at a different rate than you're old friends, and that's OKAY. Don't worry. Anyway. Remember when I said I take forever to say something? Point and case. Lol. I don't even remember what my original thought was. Oh well. Email me or whatever if you wanna talk ever :)


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