Put it to a VOTE

So the other day -yesterday to be exact- i got the nerve to actually do my hair AND put make up on. I haven't worn make up in like 3 months because of nameless things and because well I AM JUST TO GOSH DARN LAZY. :D So I was wondering as I prettied up my face if it made that much of a difference at all. So as I got to start to thinkin... I realized the blogging world is known for its honesty and straightforwardness and I thought that you could help me in heaps and bundles by telling me which you would prefer...

I won't tell you which is which, so as to not make your view even more biased... if you are. Idk if you can really tell but... let me know do you prefer my face as face A or face B. IF they both look terribly the same then... well I guess it doesn't matter. BUT for the sake of everything holy.. just pick one. :D

Picture A above
Picture B below



  1. okay adorable, I love both pictures!!!

    I love gary! how is he?

  2. I like B.. but it may be because your bangs are down:]

  3. I like B.... It amkes your eyes look so soft and angelic.

  4. im going to have to agree with lori on this one..for the bote and the reasoning

  5. I like B with the bangs also, if I had to pick one! You look AMAZING in all the pictures! Love You!

  6. I like picture B better I think. Your eyes look bigger :) but you look great in both!

  7. I like both but I am voting B.
    B WINS!!!!

  8. B all the way...but of course I just look at the hair :)


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