Nellis Airforce Base

Nellis airforce base is awesome, yeah cool, bomb, LOVE THE MILITARY DONT GET ME WRONG! But seriously? those fighter jets going out and flying everyday... don't get me started on the fuel.. lets just stay focused here... THEY ARE NOISEY! It hurts my ears when I walk outside anywhere on this side of town. Are you serious?? Why do they do that? Why do they make that horrible noise that makes my ear drums feel like they are bleeding.
Speaking of bleeding ears... Alix told me something today... oh my, shock is not the right word its more then that.. I'm not horrified, but I'm just idk.. anywho not to mention that, thats not the point. (you got scared for a second there didn't you?? hahahaha gaygaygay) anywho, it's thing like those things that happen in your life, suddenly. Like when a friend tells you something completely off the wall and the rest of the day your just like WOW WOW WOW. yeah.. thats me today.
So I am GOING to make cookies tonight if it kills me. I keep meaning to, but then something comes up and I am just upset. I want yummy cookies so bad! I also started doing yoga the other day and it is so much harder then you think.. I AM STILL SORE. Ridiculous.
Oh and to follow up on yesterdays post, Tessa, astro vans count too. Only if it has the curtains tho. Also Laura, if some guy comes up to you while your sitting down, reading twilight you have no other choice but to be cornered. One your sitting down, not much movement can be made. Two Twilight is so freaking encompassing of your mind you would be totally disoreinted. hahaha
a bomb in his hand? Well i'm glad he didn't.. it could happen tho.


  1. story made your ears bleed! hahaha totally off the wall but thats why im so friggen awesome! don't you wish you could be as cool as me..hells ya you do! btw my legs are still killing me too. but not in an I CAN'T EVEN FREAKEN WALK kinga way which is good. me some cookies fatty. I might come over tonight :)

  2. But when you have kids they will totally enjoy the planes. But yes they are super noisy, will have to agree wwith you there.

    Enjoy those cookies!


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