Weekend With My Mom
This weekend I spent mostly with my Mom. On Friday night after work we headed to Red Rock to see a movie. We were too late to get something substantial for dinner so we settled for sharing a movie theater hot dog and a bag of popcorn. To say it was delicious is an understatement. That hot dog was filled with magic. Hot dogs are already my second favorite food, so I might be biased, but my Mom liked it too. We saw the movie, Riki and The Flash. I was the youngest person in the theater by at least twenty years. It was actually a pretty good movie, and if you like Meryl Streep I'd definetly go see it.
After the movie we headed over to Khol's to spend the Khol's Cash my mom had. We ended up spending way more than we should have, but in my humble opinion (as the receiver of the stuff) it was totally worth it. My mom is an excellent person to shop with if you are looking to find something specific. She is really good at picking out things I would never wear, as well as things that are totally, "me".
We continued the shopping on Saturday afternoon after I went for a quick swim with my babies Ryan and Kenzie. We went to the Meadows Mall to look at a few stores, then headed over to Gap and Pottery Barn. Sadly PB didn't have their Halloween stuff out yet, it's always fun to go decorations shopping with my mom. We had lunch a PF Changs where my mom unknowingly ordered the largest bowl of soup known to man. It was delicious as always. Lastly, we went to the second greatest place on earth, (next to the temple of course) Target. We only had a little bit of time but found ourselves spreading rugs, towels and shower curtains along the aisle floors attempting to redecorate my bathroom. We finally decided we didn't have the time to really give it our full attention and that we'd just have to come back, fine with me!
That night we went to my cousin Nick's wedding. It was a nice ceremony and a HUGE party, just like any DeLong wedding.
I will always cherish time spent with my mom. Even though we intentionally drive each other crazy sometimes, we always come out closer in the end. My mom has the ability to make you feel like you're someone, like you matter, and like you have life worth living. Building my confidence has been her number one priority since day one, and I am so grateful for that. Despite my weaknesses she loves me and cheers me on in anything I decide to do. Unless what I decide to do is totally not fashionable, in which case she says no way- go change.
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