
Sometimes words alone cannot describe how you feel, that's why God made gifs. Let me just share my thoughts.

The past few weeks have been a crap-fest of emotions and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I mean, there have been days when all I've done when I was alone was ugly cry.
Then there were days when I was so over the fact that other humans had to be around me, that I'm 99% sure I looked like I was giving everyone a death stare.

When in reality I was just thinking...
Why do you say? Why was I feeling this way? It was a million things all combined in one, but the biggest thing I think has been that everything is changing.
And I realize that change is what helps you grow and everything but it can be so hard to let go of things.
So as the month of July came to a close and August has begun I've seen how I have fallen off my wagon of consistency and faith, and it's been hard to recognize that I am still super weak.
I still really like junk food, soda, and ice cream.
 I cannot get myself to start running again.
Making new friends still seems to be the hardest thing to ever be done.

And I can also be really super negative sometimes and we all know...

So I've been trying to get my spirits back up, and do things I love to do. I went to the temple today and it was glorious, exactly what I needed. Going there is a spiritual recharge that I can get nowhere else. I realized today that I need to be more kind, with others and myself.
I started reading the book The Martian, and besides some of the foul language going on, I've fallen in love with outer space and can't wait to see the movie.
Also, I came across this while looking for good gifs
How can you beat that? What is wrong with that? Nothing, that's what, nothing at all.

So in the end, life really is good. I'm beyond blessed despite my challenges. School starts soon, I just got moved up at my job and no longer have to answer the phones, and I am going to make a big girl purchase here soon. I've been serving, studying and apply the gospel more than I have ever done since my mission and I can tell that I am SO MUCH better off because of that.
Of course change is hard, and I'm still going to have a ton of moments like these
But in the end, I have faith it will all work out, because despite what I tell myself, I really am doing my very best. We all just have to do this whole "life" thing, one day at a time...


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