The Writer

There's just something about the car that brings out all the ideas I ever have, it just does. I get into the car and start driving and I think of a million things at once. Not like normal, where my thoughts are going in every direction, but in a consistent laid out pattern. Thought after thought after thought. It feels like magic. Do you know what else feels like magic? Writing.

Writing to me feels like an undeniable force of faith. It is everything all at once, laid out in a pattern.  Just like my thoughts in the car it is unstoppable. Of course, there are red lights. Writers block is like sitting at a red light at midnight when there is no traffic. Patience wears thin, time ticks on, and you just sit idly by, waiting.

Lately I've had so many ideas and thoughts. The new year does that to us. We begin to consider our lives, where we are, where we might go, who we might become. It all rises to the surface and screams, "Look at me!" And despite how confusing it can become there is one thing that seems certain. I want to be a writer. I want to spend the time slaving away re-writing, re-hashing and re-thinking the words, their placement, and the very feelings they project. I want others to read what I've written and see something differently than they ever have before. Because that's what happens to me when I read. I am transformed into this new wave of thought, something out of the ordinary. Life can be so very ordinary.

Don't mind me while I mention Taylor Swift for a moment here, it might seem foolish or fan-girlish but really its just that this song hit me in such a different way yesterday. In the song (Blank Space) she says, "Find out what you want... Be that girl for a month...Who is she?... So this is gonna be forever." Obviously, those aren't in order, and this is taken entirely out of context, but it is exactly what I needed to hear. I want to find out what I want. I want to do whatever it is I want for a month, or a week or a day and I want that to change me. Maybe it won't be right, maybe it will. It will have people wondering who I am, who is THAT girl, the one who writes? Who is she? Then maybe, because I believe in forever, it will be who I am. I don't know. All I know is that I want to find out.


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