Small Stuff
The thing about religion is, it takes a lot of work. You have to put time and effort into the smallest moments of your everyday life. I'm kind of hung up on the whole "don't sweat the small stuff" line. It pisses me off. I mean, I guess it makes sense, if you worry a lot about loose threads on your sweaters or something, but in reality it's all about the "small stuff". That "small stuff" is what makes the big stuff worth it.
Every night I lay in bed and I pour over the blogs I read. There is some pretty inspiring stuff out there. I mean people are really getting stuff done. And do you know what they are doing? Little things. It might seem big when you step back, but really it's just little steps. They are successful, smart, creative, loving, and true all because they consistently work on the "small stuff". It's amazing to read and see and hear.
Religion is a massive part of who I am. Faith is a huge part of my life. And this isn't because I'm perfect at it. Most days I find myself avoiding faith, but because I know it has worked for me before, I can't completely shake it. What I want seems so far from what I am. Which makes me wonder if what I want is what I need. I'm spinning in circles just writing this.
I don't really have a conclusion. I just really hate that quote.
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