Do you ever feel like you aren't thoughtful enough? I don't mean not remembering people's birthdays or forgetting to write a thank you note, I mean being full of thoughts. I should also mention what kind of thoughts, because almost everyone is full of thoughts. Where should I eat lunch? Should I exercise in the morning? Who would I give my dog to if I died? Those are just simple everyday thoughts. Okay, maybe not the last one. I just was reading something on Facebook one of those, what your couch would tell you if it could talk or another similar, 10 things you should know before quitting college. While intreguing in title, they don't actually have depth. Or at least it doesn't feel like depth.
The kind of thoughts I'm referring to are ones made by authors and scientists. Things they just sit and ponder, words they so thoughtfully penned, and have become nothing but Pinterest quotes or one liners. While I am not ashamed to say that those quote boards on Pinterest give me hours of entertainment and on occasion make me think, I wonder where original thought has gone. It makes me sad when I realize it's been a couple of months since I've had any interest in reading a novel. Or reading at all. It's one of those things that gets pushed aside during busy and lazy times. I love reading and I love writing, however, I often feel like I don't give it enough thought. I always have to get through things quickly, and I know I miss the little details, the descriptions.
My entire point here is, this generation, this time, has so much less consistent original thought. There is so much at our fingertips that I fear we are losing touch with the complexity of dreaming. Dreaming and thinking and thoughtfulness are nothing without action. We must move forward and make ourselves available for time to think, and really mean it. That way, we can always offer an opinion, give advice, or open our hearts. So what are your thoughts?
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