Something I've noticed about prayer is that, I'm really horrible at it. Honestly, praying is super hard for me. Even when I served as a missionary it was hard to pray. Not because I don't believe God is there, but just because it's hard for me to keep my attention on my prayers. My mind wanders really easily, so one minute I'm thanking him for my day and the next I'm wondering how much it would cost to knit a blanket. It is kind of ridiculous. Nevertheless, I continue to pray. They say that practice makes perfect.
Tomorrow I teach Relief Society and my topic is Prayer. I've been thinking about it for about a month now. Trying to figure out which way I will go with it and what needs to be said. The lesson comes from the Joseph Fielding Smith Manual, but I've been looking at the Youth manual, Come Follow Me, for inspiration as well.
With prayer being a difficult thing for me, it's been even more difficult to plan this lesson. That's why I posted on Facebook for the sisters to do a little bit of studying before class. That, and I really think that being prepared for class/church is vital to having a good experience.
Here are the questions I asked, and my answers.
How can I make my prayers more meaningful?
- I can say them out loud and really concentrate on the things I am saying. Staying on topic is a good idea normally, but with prayer it's even more important.
What meaningful experiences have you had with prayer?
- A while ago I had a big decision to make. I myself had already made my decision. I knew exactly what I wanted and I didn't care what anyone else said. However, after a little while I could feel it slipping from my grasp. I knew that it wasn't meant to be. That didn't stop me from doing everything in my power to make it right. The time dragged on and I continually prayed for God's will to change to my will. I told him, if you do this one thing for me... I will do WHATEVER it is you want me to do. Just let me have this one thing. I mean, everything is according to your time already right? Why can't I just have this ONE SMALL THING. Well, he didn't change his mind, and I was left heartbroken, but of no fault but my own. One day, after a huge breakthrough in thinking I just told him, ya know what? Do whatever it is you think is best.
This was meaningful to me because in that moment, although heartbroken and defeated, I felt a small peace. Not a huge one, not like a bear hug or a warm blanket, just a candle flickering in the background in a dark room. That little speck of light and warmth was there, and all I had to do was get closer to it.
What have these experiences taught you about communicating with Heavenly Father?
- This experience taught me that it's God's world, and I am just living in it. It taught me that when I talk to God that it's not a wish granting factory, it's a conversation. I tell him my thoughts, and he replies to me in a way that teaches me. He only shows me things little-by-little, and he only does it when I am actually listening.
Those are just a few of the questions I posted. I'm hoping that some of the girls are reading this in preparation for the lesson tomorrow. I know it's just MY experience, but that's how we learn. We learn from what other people have gone through, and what they have to say about it. I know that prayer is our communication with God. I know that he listens to us and that he knows our situations. He knows what is best for us, but he will never force us to do it. He merely gives us the chance to correspond and learn, then blesses us when we do. I love him, and I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to teach his Gospel!
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