Parking Garage

I realize that yesterday's post was quite pathetic. The whole point of this blogging thing is to write things out and get them into the world. I think that sometimes people don't realize the effect that writing has on the soul. The ability to release thought and relive it again and again through reading, is incredible. I don't do it enough.

Tonight was Janaye's Bachelorette party. We went out to the strip to get Sprinkles Cupcakes, which were delicious by the way. When we went to leave the parking garage was PACKED full of cars. It took about 5 minutes for us to pull out of our parking space, but then we pulled out in the wrong direction. We had to make the loop to go back up through the parking garage. We got stuck for an hour! 

Not only did we waste time, we got stuck behind two cars full of teenage kids who decided that letting their cars run was out of the question. They turned their cars off and put them in neutral, pushing them through the parking garage. They were smoking and climbing all over their cars and just being total bums. At one point the only girl of the group decided to put on an orange safety vest (that she got from a total stranger, who was also parked waiting in line) and tried to ask cars to move. It however was a short-lived dream, everyone had already seen her running and prancing around through the parking garage.

We all sat in the car praying and hoping nothing bad would happen. Besides a near-death to one of the teenage boys, who got stuck in between the two cars, everything was fine. Towards the end a suburban in front of us got fed up with the teenagers and said some things I will not write here. His license plate said KG Fury, we looked him up on google and he owns his own fitness center, definitely not the person to mess with. In the end, everyone got out of the parking garage without any broken bones and bruises. It was an interesting experience to say the least.

We finally got out of the parking garage but missed all of the bingo times. So the night ended. It was short and long all at the same time. Despite all of the craziness though, it was fun.

I think that when it's my turn, I will stay off the strip. A hike in the woods and a night of pampering and movies sounds a lot better to me. Let's hope I can stay true to that one day. One day, far, far, from now.


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