Missing New York
I made a realization today. Of course it was made while driving home in tears. Because all my good realizations are made that way. (Don't worry, I'm fine.) Sometimes a girl just needs to weep ya know? There is nothing like a good cry to wake you up to reality. Anyways, like I was saying... I made a realization.
There is a reason why God wiped our memories clean of the pre-mortal life (our life before this one). And that reason is; it hurts too much to know and miss it. An example? Missions. Anyone that has served a mission and loved it with all their heart knows what I'm talking about. Every-single-day you think of it and cherish all of the memories, and sometimes, your heart aches to go back.
Let me just tell you, my heart aches more than anyones heart ever has (see the first paragraph about the weeping) for New York, and being a missionary. I cannot imagine what it would be like to remember our heavenly home and miss it so much.
So for the returned missionaries who left part of their heart in a foreign land or city-state. Who haven't been able to return, or may never be able to return... At least you don't remember Heaven.
Because that would really suck.
There is a reason why God wiped our memories clean of the pre-mortal life (our life before this one). And that reason is; it hurts too much to know and miss it. An example? Missions. Anyone that has served a mission and loved it with all their heart knows what I'm talking about. Every-single-day you think of it and cherish all of the memories, and sometimes, your heart aches to go back.
Let me just tell you, my heart aches more than anyones heart ever has (see the first paragraph about the weeping) for New York, and being a missionary. I cannot imagine what it would be like to remember our heavenly home and miss it so much.
So for the returned missionaries who left part of their heart in a foreign land or city-state. Who haven't been able to return, or may never be able to return... At least you don't remember Heaven.
Because that would really suck.
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