I'm Comin' For Ya NYC!

Tonight I booked my flight back to New York. I cannot express to you the excitement that is welling up inside of me. Every day for the past year I have been longing to go back to this place that holds my heart. I swear to you everything is better there, the air, the snow, the people. I guess maybe I'm being dramatic. This will be my first time seeing it without my missionary lenses, and I am really curious to see what things pop out to me the most. I'm excited to travel on the train, to take hundreds of pictures of the beautiful buildings and bridges, and most of all... to spend time with the people who changed me for the better.

I will be talking about this for days on end, and I shan't get tired of it. I am so very grateful that Heavenly Father has made it possible for me to go back. He has given me the time, the money and the confidence to go. I say confidence because I am making this trip solo! I will be traveling all on my own and doing some things on my own. I am staying with my dearest friend Ellie, and I will see other people when I get there, but I think I will make it a point to spend some time on my own on those streets.

58 DAYS!!!!!


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