A Testimony of Change
It's about that time. As I wind down to the end of my mission I can look back and see a huge sea of events that have led me here. This moment, this very second. Typing on my blog and seeing that well, I have finished one of the greatest accomplishments anyone could ever do. My mission has changed my life forever. I knew nothing about the gospel before, not in comparison to what I know now. But more than knowledge, I have applied it all. I have changed for the better and I know that it is because of my service to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I owe it all to him. Everything I am I owe to him. Of course, I am not perfect... far from it. Yet, I am changed. I wish to have all of you know and understand what it means to be forever changed, but I can't force it, and I can't just tell you. You have to learn for yourself.
This past Tuesday I had the opportunity to attend the temple and to remember the covenants I have made with my Heavenly Father. There in the temple, I felt an overwhelming peace flow over me. That peace directed my thoughts and helped me to receive the revelation my Heavenly Father would have me receive. This leads me to know for a surety that I am a daughter of God, that he loves me and he has a plan for me. It also helps me to realize that YOU are a child of God, whoever you are, and he loves YOU more than you know. Of that I can testify, as a representative of Jesus Christ.
I can't wait to write more here and continue my journey of life blogging all along the way. I have missed you all (I hope you are still reading).
Sister Shelby DeLong
I can't believe you are already done with your mission! Time has flown! I'm sure excited to see you again though!