Letter from Hermana DeLong
Well, this week was a doozy. We had a lot of different things happen to us. First things first, last Monday when we went out we went to a girls house who used to be one of our investigators. We "dropped" her because she wasn't progressing and wouldn't pray. She is 16 years old and she doesn't really have the highest self-esteem. So we have been trying to get her to understand that she is a daughter of God and she has such great worth. As I sat there trying to convey what the spirit was telling me I could feel God's immense love for her. I started to cry, because I knew that he felt the same about me. He is so willing to give to us the knowledge of our potential, we just have to ask. She wouldn't pray. It was the saddest thing I've seen in my entire life. To see someone who at one point KNEW that God loved her, and then to see them not remember, or not want to remember. Some people say it is hard to live the gospel, that there are too many rules, and it isn't fun. That is so not true. Look at someone who is bogged down by addictions, who doesn't know who they are, because they spend too much time having "fun" and not enough time recognizing and working on their spiritual health. The commandments that God gives us, the gospel plan he has laid out for us, helps us to be happy.. and not just for right now, but for forever.
Later in the week we tried unsuccessfully to get a hold of the family we have been teaching. The Cuautle Family. Then, one day we called them and they answered. They said their baby had been in the hospital for the whole week, but they were now at home. But because the baby is sick they don't really have time for visitors. I got the package Mom sent me with the shake and pour brownie mix. So we decided to make it and we kept part of it for ourselves, and part of it we gave to the family. We also made a bunch of paper hearts and stuck them to the door. It was really fun. We didn't get to talk to them, but they know that we love them. The Relief Socitey president and her friend are going over there tomorrow night to talk to them about young womens and relief society. So after that we are planning on talking with them more and getting back into their home so they can come to church.
We also went to a dinner at a member house, they are the Cuevas Family. They are really cool and they both have been on missions and speak english too. They are super duper awesome. They helped us get a roll on one of our investigators. Brenda. Brenda is the one I talked about that is from Ecuador. She is great, she fed us last week. We went to her house this week and we taught her with Hermano Cuevas. It went pretty well and she didn't say no to a baptismal date, but she didn't exactly say yes. She did however say, that she would read the Book of Mormon and pray about it, and if it was right she would be baptized. THIS IS BIG NEWS PEOPLE! HUGE! Only problem is, we invited her to church and she said she couldn't go because she had to go to the beach. hahaha oh man.
Last night we were out in the heat, and I was sweating so much that sweat was burning my eyes. We knocked the doors in almost the entire apartment building. Then we got downstairs and were looking at the names on the mailboxes and decided to knock the first door in the building. We knocked and they let us in! The also gave us water. We taught them the Restoration and they didn't accept a baptismal date, but they did say they would read the Book of Mormon, so we are going to go back sometime this week, and then again on Sunday to teach them the Plan of Salvation. We are stoked! We also met another guy this week named Mitchel. Mitchel is cool, and a jokster. He isn't very good at reading so we are going to be reading with him as often as we can. We love him!
Other than all of that I am trying to be more patient with myself. I really am trying. It's difficult. Because I expect so much of myself and I want to be the best that I can be. But I'm not reaching what I think should be my potential. I'm not exactly sure what I need to do except for pray for patience. I'm doing the best I can... I think. Also this week has been a little bit difficult for me. I'm starting to feel the claustraphobia from being with someone 24/7 and it's getting to me. I'm going to pray for some strength to over come that too.
I just ate a piece of spam with rice wrapped in seaweed. It was fantastic... it's a hawaiian thing. We have two hawaiian people in our zone. It's pretty good.
I don't have much else write about, and I'm going to TRY and put pictures in another email but the computers are packed to the MAX!! So I don't think I will be able to. I love you all and please write me some letters this week!
Have fun, and don't forget about me! hahaha
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