Hermana DeLong May,10 2010
It's the beginning of week 4 and it's getting crazier and craizer each day. Better, but crazy. Our senior district left last week, so it's been kind of quiet this week. They were all really funny and big personalities. So them being gone is crazy. Anyways... I'm doing well. Things are going great. We had a lesson with our investigator ateo yesterday and I committed him to be baptized! He is going to be baptized on May 24th. I'm so excited for him, and I know that this decision will help him so much in his life! (Remember ateo is our teacher, Hermano ernandez, but his character is real. So it's cool to actually teach and get a baptisimal date set.) We are teaching our other investigator oemi today, and we went to the TRC yesterday. It wasn't as bad as last week. It was good to have a conversation with a member.
I can't really remember all that happened this week, but I know it was better than last week. It is so crazy being here at the MTC because a day feels like a week, and a week feels like a day. My friend auren ord came into the MTC yesterday and it was so cool to see her! It was like having family here! If anielle hittle is reading this, WRITE ME! I've been telling everyone about you, and how awesome you are and I miss you.
Okay, my brain is all over the place right now. I'm trying to think of things to tell you. Let's see...OH! Tomorrow I am doing an English-Fast. I'm not going to speak english for the entire day. Just spanish. It's going to be tricky, but I think I can do it. I'm not the best at spanish, but I know enough words to get by. I'm learning to work with my companion. I love her, and I'm glad she is my companion and not someone else. I don't think I could handle anyone else. I just have to gain more love for the other Hermana's in our district and Elder's too. I love them very much, but I just have to have patience. We spend every-single-day together and it is kind of tiring to be with them all the time.
Another Apostle came and spoke this week! D. odd hristofferson! It was such a good talk, it was on the Doctrine of Christ. If you want good chapters in the Book of Mormon to read, read 2nd Nefi 31, 3rd Nefi 11, y 3rd Nefi 27. SUCH good chapters on the doctrine of Christ. This church is true, it's so good and everything that is good comes from God. God loves each and every one of us so much, he is helping us to become like him. It hurts to become better, it hurts to change your character. But I've learned this week that I'm not here for a grade, I'm here to do my best. We also learned from Elder hristofferson about how important we are to them, we stand shoulder to shoulder with the apostles of the church, because we all have the same purpose. To invite others to come unto Christ.
MAN! I love being a missionary. I love how rewarding it is. I love seeing progress. Times without progress hurt, but they really aren't without, they are just silent times, times when we work hard and do our best, then the rewards will be so much better. Yo se que Jesucristo es me salvador, yo se que Dios es me Padre Celestial. Yo se que el libro de mormon es verdadero!
Thank you for all the letters I got this week! Please keep writing me! I love getting letters and sometimes I even wake up early to reply to them! I'm a rebel without a cause. I love you all so much!
Oh and I'm supposed to ask for some of the Elders in my Zone... Elder Fullmer and Elder Janne want letters from girls. So if you have an urge to write an Elder... get me your address so I can have them write you! hahahahaha they are going to be so happy that I did this.
Hermana DeLong
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