I used to be... I think that...

I used to be a writer. The words used to flow so easy, and make so much sense on the page. It's not the same anymore. It hasn't been the same for a long time. Maybe it's growing older, maybe it's moving too fast, maybe I'm just making excuses. But it is true that in years past I could write, and feel accomplished. Now, I feel like I just added to someones opinion about me. Because people are judgemental especially when they don't know the facts.

I wrote because I wanted to make a point. Unleash an idea. Now, I feel like I'm just checking off a list.

Nonetheless, do you want to know what I think?

I think that people get way too worked up about things. It's exciting. I get it. But sometimes things that aren't so important, can over take us. Watch out.

I think that sometimes people make their opinions and likes so permanent that even mentioning something opposite will disqualify you from being their friend or aquaintance.

I think that I have a lot of faults. I see them in other people, the faults I have, and I get so angry with them. Why can't they just be more like "this" or "that"? Why can't I? What says that they have to change? Maybe I should. Because it's my life, and I decide what upsets me and what doesn't. And if what they are doing, is something I do too, and I dislike it so much when they do it... doesn't that mean I should change myself first? "Who am I to judge another, when I walk imperfectly?"

It is so incredibly unattractive when someone doesn't enjoy going to church, and tending to their church calling. It is doubley unattractive when people speak about missions, callings, service opportunities, and the temple with a be-grudging tone. I've done it before, and now I see how silly it is. You don't like your church calling? Really. Okay, how about you tell Heavenly Father that you don't like his plan. Because that is exactly what you are doing. Again, I've done this before and I see how horrible it is now.

If I could write a petition, I would write a petition that says no one is allowed to call the temple weird. It shouldn't be allowed. The only word that should be used to explain it, is sacred. It is sacred, not weird. I guess it's not that big of a deal to some. Weird isn't a bad word. It's a word we use to say that something is different. But the temple isn't just "different" it is sacred, it is amazing, it is I can't even say.

Lastly, if I could just say one more thing. It would be that I love my family. It breaks my heart how much I love them. I was such an idiot in high school for disregaurding them, and thinking they were lame. My family is the greatest thing ever. If there were one piece of advice I would give teenagers today it would be to SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY THEN WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Because even though your friends are great, and you are a teenager, and you should do crazy things with your friends... your family is always going to be there. They are ALWAYS going to be there, and when you make mistakes and your friends aren't there, your family will be. When your friends get married, and you are left alone for a little while, your family will be there. When you have a million friends and you barely have time to spend with all of them... your family will STILL be there. Because they are awesome.

End of story.


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