Studying at Work
Sometimes at work, when it's late and the place is dead, I take out my ensign or my scriptures and study.I don't have much time to do anything besides work, so the lull late at night is a blessing. I really should be studying more often, but I do what I can, so I can also get sleep.
I love this quote from Joseph Smith. It reminds me of Elder Holland's talk in General Conference 2009. "I testify that one cannot come to full faith in this latter-day work - and thereby find the fullest measure of peace and comfort in these, our times - until he or she embraces the divinity of the Book of Mormon and the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it testifies." I think anyone who has heard or read that address by Elder Holland will never forget the powerful spirit that attended it. The Book of Mormon really is of God, and I'm glad that I have it in my life to lead and guide me.
If all my hopes and dreams come true I will going to the temple at the end of this month. I have never been more excited about anything in my life. And that is saying something, because I am pretty dang excited about going on a mission. It's going to be a learning experience, that's for sure.
I thought maybe I would post some thoughts from my journal that I write in while I study my scriptures...
The road of disciple-ship is not for the spiritually faint of heart.
Jacob Chapter 4 - It's cool to think of the scriptures as a gift from God. It's cool to think of the people who wrote the scriptures and how much they loved them. They wanted us to receive them with thankful hearts
Jacob Chapter 7 - Fortify your arms. Build your foundation on Christ. Build up your armor to guard against evil. Use the sword of the spirit.
We are indebted to God, he pays us in blessings, but we are still indebted to him.
Depart of your substance to God. Nothing is yours.
Talk to people, pray for people, praise people, love people and share your testimony with all.
Mosiah Chapters 21-22 - The people of Limhi suffered because they forgot God and they didn't ask for his help. When they did humble themselves the received more abundance and safety. Line upon line, precept upon precept.
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