Romance Languages
"I'm a sucker for war stories in romance languages."
Mona Lisa Smile one of my most favorite movies of all time. I couldn't love it more than I do. There is a still honest truth that lingers today, from this time period. War stories, and romance languages are the hotness. Whoever disagrees must now go punch themselves in the face. Now that that's over... Obviously I'm not one to find a handsome man on the street who fought in the war and speaks italian. It's just not going to happen. But being an LDS girl has it's perks. Because sometimes these boys come back with a language they've learned and OH how they can use it to woo. Most of the time without even noticing it. The craziest thing about it is, that they don't even have to speak italian or portuguese, or whatever "romance" language there is. They just have to have that slight accent from a foreign place. Followed up with exciting stories and adventures of courage, faith, and quick wit. It's like a modern day war story. Without all the blood and killing.
I'm saying this because I am the biggest sucker for guys with stories. For guys with cute little accents and the most subtle way of bringing a story to life before your eyes. I am a long story teller, I go off on a million tangents and turn 3 minute stories in to 10 minute monologues. When I meet someone who is the same way, I feel akin to them. We share this same love for detail and imagination and it just makes staying up late talking, the best thing ever. I swear my husband and I will never sleep, because our stories will take over the night and last far into the morning. Which is entirely fine by me.
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